在美国,欧洲和亚洲,PEM拥有强大的生产和技术支持力量,并拥有分布全球的授权工程代表和经销商网络。无论何时何地, PEM时刻准备着为您提供及时可靠的解决方案。
PEM是PennEngineering旗下众多品牌之一,总部座落在美国宾夕法尼亚州的PennEngineering 是一个追求创新的全球化制造商,创建于1942年。作为自扣紧技术的首创者, PennEngineering 拥有一流的生产工艺,目前仍然在世界自扣紧固件行业占领主要地位。在美国的俄亥俄州、北卡罗来纳州、加利福尼亚州以及爱尔兰及中国昆山均有生产基地。其主要业务是生产用于航空,电子,汽车工业的紧固件。PennEngineering公司致力于全球业务范围的拓展,在美国,英国,新加坡和中国均拥有自己的销售公司同时,还拥有世界范围的代理商。 PennEngineering在全球同类产品的市场份额中占首位,产品包括自扣紧螺柱,自扣紧螺钉,自扣螺母等一系列标准和非标准产品。其旗下拥有Atlas, PEM, SI等著名商标。 随着PennEngineering全球化进程的不断加快,同时也为了支持全球电子企业向中国迁移的总趋势,PEM China 宾科精密部件 (中国)有限公司于2005年9月在中国江苏昆山成立,同年12月8日开始投产。公司使用先进的生产设备和检测技术,建立设施齐全,并拥有A2LA认证的实验室,完善的质量体系和培训体系,为客户提供优质、增值的产品和服务。
PEM® brand fasteners utilize self-clinching, broaching, flaring, surface mount, or weld technology to provide strong, reusable, and permanent threads and mounting points in thin sheet metal, P.C. board materials, and other ductile or non-ductile thin material.
PEM® TY-D® self-clinching cable tie-mounts provide secure attachment points for mounting wires to electronic chassis or enclosures. All TY-D hardware installs quickly and permanently without screws and eliminates the use of adhesives that typically fail over time and temperature cycling. TD™ cable tie-mounts allow users to easily slide ties through the hardware “eye” for fast cable mounting.
PennEngineering has enjoyed a sustained history as a global leader in the fastening industry since our founding in 1942. PEM®, the company’s leading brand has been recognized as the premier product in the thin sheet fastening industry for over 70 years. Today, our expanding portfolio of fastener designs and technologies continues to keep pace with the challenges presented by an ever-evolving marketplace.
Our solutions and engineering expertise benefit from ongoing investment in research, new product development, and strategic locations around the world. Our customers gain the benefits accrued from our worldwide presence grounded in “local” access and, as a result, we remain the “go-to” fastening resource for virtually every industry, including the electronics and computer, data/telecom, medical, automotive, marine, aerospace/avionics, and general manufacturing categories. No challenge is too big or too small.
PennEngineering is strongly supported by manufacturing and technical facilities in the United States, Europe, and Asia and a global network of authorized engineering representatives and distributors. All are well-equipped to deliver timely and reliable solutions wherever and whenever required.
The idea that revolutionized production fastening
kaWhen K.A. Swanstrom founded Penn Engineering & Manufacturing Corp. in 1942, he did so with a revolutionary new product: an easy-to-install, self-clinching fastener that provides load-carrying threads in metal sheets too thin to be tapped. At first, Mr. Swanstrom produced his innovative design with four machines in a Doylestown, Pennsylvania garage. This simple operation soon gave way to a modern facility in Danboro, Pennsylvania because manufacturers and engineers alike recognized the benefits of self-clinching fasteners. They not only reduced time, labor, weight and inventory on many assembly jobs, but they also opened up a whole new world for engineers and designers, making a wide assortment of thin-metal designs possible for the first time.
Industry-wide acceptance led to earnest production of self-clinching fasteners shortly after World War II. As industry’s need to hold together ultra-thin and ultra-light metals grew, so did the product line. Over the years the original self-clinching fastener design was modified to meet hundreds of new design applications.
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